How Do Orthodontics Work?


Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the study and treatment of malocclusions, and is often used in cases of irregular teeth, or problems with the alignment of the upper and lower jaws. Orthodontics deals only with the alignment of teeth, and sometimes deals with modifying and monitoring the growth of the jaws and jaw bones. Orthodontic treatment can also be for aesthetic reasons, in order to improve the general appearance of the teeth, or it may be to change or build the external appearance of the face, or it may be for the purpose of regulating oral functions, such as: speech, pronunciation, and chewing.

Diagnosis of dental malocclusion

This stage is one of the most important stages of the orthodontic treatment plan, where the doctor does the following:

  • Knowing the patient's medical history.
  • Perform a general examination of the patient.
  • Performing an external and internal examination of the teeth and face.
  • Examination of functional tasks of the mouth such as pronunciation, chewing and speech.
  • Conducting radiological examinations.
  • Dental photography.
  • Conducting a study of damaged dental casts.

Steps to do orthodontics

Orthodontics is divided into three sections: removable braces, surgical braces, and fixed braces. Most patients resort to the fixed type of braces, the steps of which are summarized as follows:

  • The dentist cleans the patient's teeth with an acidic liquid to help the teeth receive the braces.
  • Places material to hold the braces in place.
  • Cures the fixative with UV light.
  • He places the brackets with precise measurements on each tooth, one by one.
  • A soft wire is attached to the brackets after they are fixed to the teeth, using leather clips.
  • The doctor can use multiple orthodontic tools to arrange the teeth and obtain the appropriate shape.
  • After obtaining the desired result, the doctor removes the brackets and cleans the teeth from the fixative material.

Causes of malocclusion

  • Disproportion between jaw and teeth size.
  • A deficiency or excess in the number of teeth, which causes spaces between the teeth, or pressure between them, leading to the teeth not occluding.
  • The presence of some genetic diseases.
  • Exposure of the child or fetus before birth to some external factors.
  • Some children have bad habits that prevent teeth from clenching and lead to crooked teeth, such as thumb sucking.
  • Premature extraction of baby teeth.
  • Late extraction of baby teeth.

The harms of irregular teeth

  • Tooth decay, resulting from food accumulating between the spaces between the teeth or due to crowding.
  • Exposure of the areas surrounding the teeth to diseases.
  • Front teeth are exposed to fracture.
  • Problems with chewing, speaking and pronunciation.
  • Burial of some teeth.
  • Psychological problems.
  • Disorders of the jaw joints.
97Cosmetic Dentistry
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