How To Clean Gums

Oral health

Oral health has a direct relationship with the health of the body and protection from many diseases; because the mouth contains bacteria that move into the body and cause harm to it, so neglecting the gums is not a simple matter, as dental health depends on the health and cleanliness of the gums as well, how can it not be, as the roots of the teeth and their foundation are located in the gums; therefore, it is necessary to take care of them in order to maintain healthy and sound teeth free from decay.

To maintain dental hygiene, you can use materials available at home, or go to the dentist to clean them using specific materials and tools available in the clinic; so that he removes the tartar on the teeth, and tartar is a layer of food, saliva and bacteria that after a while becomes a thick layer similar to lime that accumulates on the teeth.

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There are many reasons for the formation of this layer, such as: smoking, lack of cleaning teeth, and crooked teeth are one of the reasons for the formation of tartar that descends to touch the gums, which leads to inflammation and pain. The doctor uses a tool to clean the gums manually, and places materials dedicated to cleaning them. The doctor may use an anesthetic needle; because the process is somewhat painful. After cleaning the gums, the person may feel pain due to the appearance of the tooth roots, which quickly disappears after two days; because the gums cover the roots of the teeth that appear so that the teeth return to their natural place.

Home gum cleaning methods

  • Sage: You can massage your teeth with boiled sage for a quarter of an hour or gargle with it. This cleanses the gums and cleans them of all dirt.
  • Honey with cinnamon: You can mix a spoonful of honey with a little ground cinnamon and massage the gums with it after brushing your teeth. Leave this mixture for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your mouth with water. The person will notice freshness and cleanliness of the gums.
  • Using a miswak can also help clean the gums.

Treatment of bleeding gums

Not cleaning the gums causes inflammation, which causes them to swell and sometimes grow over the teeth in a painful and annoying way, and eating and drinking become difficult. In addition, gum inflammation causes them to bleed continuously. Treating gum bleeding at home is done by using the following materials:

  • Water and salt: Add a spoonful of salt to a cup of water and gargle with it to reduce gum bleeding.
  • Drink lemon juice after brushing your teeth.
  • You can add a little baking soda to your toothpaste and brush your teeth and gums with it; this helps prevent bleeding.
180Cosmetic Dentistry
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